Cinderella, Kerri

sorry, i meant decreased

too early to think clearly, luckily we have you

i will change it :slight_smile:

When Mr. FOO left he took all the views with him! :dog: :triumph:

Angry Over It GIF by GritTV

Kaya would you have taking him back ? :laughing:

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Glad Kerri was spared a mindless rough humping. In that sense Flora did her a favour.

Good morning s___py head :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Reine Spekulation: könnte doch sein, dass Cinderella Flora um Hilfe gebeten hat

You got it exactly the right time. Looks like she fell as___p again while standing, when in fact she was walking. :joy: :joy: :joy:

It’s not easy waking up so “early” in the morning :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

Well if I wouldn’t, the reason would be different than other girls. He was single and it’s fair IMO :wink:

For a second, i feared that you’re going to cheat on Robwin. What a relief…phew :crazy_face:

It is obvious that not everything has been worked out between them, and this night was a good proof of that.

We have seen both of them having long conversations with their friends over the last 10 days about each other and it seems to me that it is no coincidence that they found themselves at the same time in the same place yesterday. They were also surprisingly left alone by others, which is not exactly the custom at these ‘parties’.

I would say that it was “organised” by friends of both of them to meet and discuss/settle what they wanted to do. And probably in that way to stop bitching about one or other.

Sometimes friends see more than the person themselves.

I’m just guessing, of course.

I am now beginning to think that it was Dennis who left Flora, not the other way round. Dennis didn’t go back to Flora’s last night.

He dropped her off, I imagine he drives and Flora does not. Also I can’t be bothered seeing how long from them leaving Cinderella’s to arriving at Flora’s because at the end of the day, a relationship is not black and white. People who break up still see each other and for different reasons. I know i hooked up with an ex a couple of times before I moved elsewhere. I’m just interested in seeing how things play out.

Вы правы. Иногда нужно до конца решить все, чтобы не быть злыми друг на друга. Нужно уметь ценить то, что было и с пониманием относиться ко всему происходящему. Мы решили все вопросы, которые накопились за это время и пожелали друг другу удачи в будущем. Я надеюсь, что у него будет замечательная жизнь. Я желаю ему всего самого наилучшего.
Я уезжаю с этой квартиры в скором времени. С вами мы увидимся в другом месте. Кратоса и Денниса вы тоже будете видеть. В скором времени вы все узнаете все и поймете к чему мы пришли.
Теперь я продолжаю жить без отношений.

I hope everything works out for you Flora. :hugs:

Я посмотрела на месте ли его член после таких жарких ночей :joy:


С вашей поддержкой , мои любимые :heart:

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Are you leaving this house already?
I thought you said it would be in September, that’s another month

We are talking about Floras apartment? Or Cinderellas place? If the first one this discussion belongs into Floras topic.

aren’t they all @Flora’s appartments?