Cinderella, Kerri

Stupid move from Flora showing up and ruining the vibe of the place. What is she doing there?

I would say respect for the one who gets it out before anything else :laughing:



Earlier on she was showing off what looked like an engagement ring to Dennis. Maybe a ‘Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned,’ situation although I find that hard to believe. Looks as if Kerri is leaving so timeline for me.

To me, It looked like she was showing something :palm_down_hand: to Josema, then she flipped off :fu: Dennis!

All part of the script, just all part of the script.

She was generous with the :fu: tonight


This does not cruise well…

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Are we going to see Kratos back or not ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am afraid this is going in completely the wrong direction.

If they mean to talk things out and stay friends, ok, but if it goes where I feel it is going to go…I don’t know, it doesn’t feel right.

I hope they are just smoothing over the conflict of their break up.

I don’t believe Flora could over look all the other girls he had since the breakup, She has never struck me as the forgiving kind!

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I hope they won’t trash Cinderellas apartment :joy::see_no_evil:

They broke up. Time to move on. What he does is no longer part of her business.

That’s how it should be.


Everything is about Flora, You should know that by now!


I am not so sure about this… :crazy_face:

C___dish behavior of her. She should have stayed at home instead of ruining Cinderellas party.

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Well, looks like they were still a lot of things to be talked. If it was the right moment, i am not sure. She couldn’t handle seeing him with Kerri again tonight IMO

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Not her business anymore as they are no longer a couple.

Dennis should simply ignore her or leave.