Cinderella (Chat)

Is she taking over floras old place?

It doesn’t seem fair that forum members are allowed to start realm topics for a participant before the realm even goes online. It has almost always been realm topics are started for participants once their realm goes online. It makes it so everyone has a fair shot at starting realm topics for new participants. :smiling_face: :hugs:

I get if some members are eager to see someone they like but i agree starting topics in apartment discussions when an apartment hasn’t even come online shouldn’t happen thankfully it’s now in as a general discussion.

@John78, In the little that you saw of the Apartment, was it Flora’s old place?

I am pretty sure that you are not referring to this particular forum member, is it?

Way to use a joke comment I made over a year and a half ago out of context. Trying to twist facts and words to support your narrative as usual. Why don’t you be a man and link the entire string of related comments in the thread rather than a picture of one comment

Also my comment was in regard to starting a general from topic for Flora. You started this topic under apartment discussions setting it up to be used as the Cinderella realm topic. @Shyguy changed the topic to general discussions. Try harder the next time you want to start more unnecessary drama

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:princess: :revolving_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Too bad I thought this was a fairy tale thread. But apparently it’s just one of those private chats between the same two users who have already diverted various threads from the topic and who should better ignore each other. However, no one seems willing to do so. But it would certainly be the best solution for peace in the forum. But only works if BOTH would do it.

Nah if works pretty well when only one of them does it too. Well at least it has in the past
 :blush: :hugs:

Do you think we need a topic to move all of their battles to? :thinking:

This topic already exists:

Purgatorium đŸ’©

So far, many contributions by the two have been moved there. But they will definitely not meet there or in a new thread to fight their battles there.

Hey everyone, as a reminder, we have a whole Chat section of the forum available in the top right corner. Starting from now, Chat became available to Trust Level 2 users too.

Any VHTV Subscriber or anybody who spent some time at the forum are welcome to discuss anything & other things like expected participants or guests.

We can make separate forum structure in case we need something like specific participants discussion. Apart from that, please use search and post into the most relevant topic.