Charly, Edrym & Roza

That video was from 2 years ago!

not two years old look at the date and times that chaly misses respect the people who look
to give the finger of honor cam I have signal

david i know liam was already with poppy i remember well i watched him leave another kingdom to go with him

The VIDEO (not a still image) posting you were replying to (above these last couple of posts) WAS from 2 years ago - look at the date yourself! Poppy visits Charly (occasionally), what’s the issue? :confused: :confounded:

I beg your pardon but it’s the same shirt he’s wearing tonight and the date is today’s…
I don’t see why Charly does this, he usually doesn’t hide?!

4 seconds in on the video YOU posted, you can see the date clearly - written backwards (day and date) but still clear enough to show 2020 so YES 2 years ago! You posted it so you should know that already.

Misunderstood, i was talking abt the pic of Charly in restroom…

Oh OK. I have no idea what any of that is about. He certainly doesn’t seem to be doing anything wrong, to me so that was why I got a bit defensive about him and also regarding Poppy - same comment historically and more recently.

Strange indeed! Seems not from Charly! Anyway, finally , i dont care lol

a finger of honor makes share charly and an obscene gesture to be vulgar with the people who watch

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Charly is a good guy and a hot guy. Don’t start to complain only because of his gesture. :expressionless:

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Sweet couple :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


yup :heart_eyes: but strange guy…

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This looks like it could be great fun…and I think they thought so too!


I see this bore is back! :roll_eyes: He’s like a bad smell!

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He’s so handsome though! Scratch that, he’s beautiful.

Christov and kitty taking a nap earlier!

They had a late show…tired :laughing: