
Werden jetzt nicht die “alten” Stars aktiviert?

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Oh i see now what you meant. Yes, most of them tend to comeback sooner or later. But this has nothing to do with Vhtv

think he means vhtv bringing back old participants

Got it. But, as i answer to him as well, Vhtv has nothing to do with this

Management :wink: oops nevermind, sure it’s just another coincidence… Or when the truth/reality burst in their face and is inconvenient they call it “theories of conspiracy”

we know that but not everyone does m8 , i dont think the concept of VHTV as twigged with many

Der Gedanke kommt hoch, dass die “Oberen” etwas Einfluss genommen haben um allgemein interessanter zu werden. Wenn du dich auch in anderen Wohnungen umschaust ist ettliches los.

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im allowed to pretend to be nice , :rofl:

Too many people here for anything hot to happen. And with Ken around every party is about to fizzle :rofl:

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cooper & Charlize

@Bigdan Goodbye

Why, You Going Somewhere?

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That can/might be a possibility indeed. But as we don’t know 100%, we can only speculate.

you did well to ask your question and we are telling you that it is not them that’s all… :wink:

maybe he’s new and still doesn’t really know what happened even if not in this apartment maybe just hearsay…

Bei uns gibt es ein altes Volkslied: “Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten”

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cooper & Charlize

so I’m guessing wynona and the other girl is there with ken & connor?

Ken and Connor came later.

you are right but I was responding to @Bigdan by telling him that these are not the r____ts that maybe someone mistakenly suggested to him…