
Fully agree. They had plenty of time by now to resolve this kindergarten… :thinking:

Well, she shouldn’t visit if she’s banned. No ? Quite simple

She is the only one to be blamed in all this situation

I do not care who to blame. The fact that this after so many days is still not resolved in favor of the viewers does not shed a good light on it at all.

Hi friends!

As far as I know, parties compromised so I expect that you will be able to enjoy Inga again soon. But, unfortunately, I need a confirmation from responsibles since there was an official ban - I’m sorry for making you wait, but that’s our rules :woman_shrugging:


But it was always resolved in the favour of the viewers Jabs. She is/was allowed to be a participant or guest with her previous managers . She was never banned :slightly_smiling_face:

That would be very good news. And hopefully a blueprint for how to handle things like that from the beginning in the future :sparkling_heart::peace_symbol:

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The combo Inga + new manager was banned. Not just Inga herself :slightly_smiling_face:

I thought you are paying more attention to the details

That’s great news. Please make sure nothing like this happens again :pray:


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I won’t report things like that. Sorry.


Correct. Can you imagine what chaos will happen on site if participants decide to run from one manager to the other or a manager decides to take participant/s from the others just like that without any agreement ?

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I agree, I won’t either


C’mon guys, it’s too late to read this fight again. I’m sure people here are expecting to read an actual update. You can go to chat room if you want to

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This might help

Would be called free choice of employer. However their previous manager of course is not obliged to take them back. And in that case managers need to be nice to prevent their people running away from them. A good thing overall I think.

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I’d say it’s more like male name? Oh well place is called Ceres…

Realm is back online :kissing_heart:


and Inga is there :heart_eyes:


The world is really upside down… :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy:

“The person formerly known as Inga” :joy: :joy: