alma going crazy again…
Well this is not funny anymore @kaya what’s up with Alma she is always either crying or yelling at Ceres. She seems very unstable.
if there’s such a huge problem, why is she still there? Can she not take a hint? Buh-bye girly girl.
Sie hat “nur” Liebeskummer, weil Ceres sie nicht mehr will
Ceres ziet er vreselijk gelukkig uit .
Je oogst wat je zaait @Ceres , vergeet dit niet .
i think she might have bipolar she keeps having extreme mood swings in seconds which is making her look crazy and then when you add a_____l well…its not going to end well for her
Realm has been removed from the list. Another crisis from Alma? Poor girl.
Did not see her before it went offline but was probably 30 mins behind. However, Alma appeared very unstable in the last 24 hrs and very sad to see, although I must admit, sometimes I see them and what I seem shouting but is them just talking naturally.
What happened?
I feel really sorry for Alma because Ceres must have agreed for her to move in and has let her down extremely badly. She hasn’t got a hope of getting with Ceres now, he obviously wants to be with Wynona. I don’t know why she is still living at his apartment, for her own peace of mind and sanity she needs to get her cats and belongings and get out
Ik veronderstel dat Wynona er ook voor iets tussen zit .
Wynona ziet er een lief en onschuldig meisje uit , maar let maar op met zo’n meisjes .
Stille waters diepe gronden
Nogmaals ik veronderstel dat maar
I agree although we don’t know anything about their previous history, although why would you have someone move into your apartment with their pets and clothing and without your permission. From my own observation you liked Wynona but she she showed no emotion to you until after Alma an that is why it is difficult to understand the current situation.
I appreciate we don’t know if there is any history before Ceres and Alma joined VHTV. Ceres himself is fairly new to VHTV, firstly appearing at Flora’s and then here when Inga had this apartment. However, when Alma turned up with her cats and belongings, surely it signals that Ceres gave the ok to do it.
Just a small correction, Ceres never been at Flora, he first appeared at Trisha’s Realm. I do agree with everything that you wrote. It makes the most logical sense
With the apartment being taken offline by VHTV indicates something untoward happened. I just hope everyone, Ceres, Wynona and Alma are ok.
Vorher hab ich Ceres noch in der Ex-Trisha-Wohnung gesehen, während Trisha im Krankenhaus war
Last time i check Ceres and Wynona was on the couch under the blanket everything seemed ok. Maybe Alma lost it after that i don’t know.
Zolang we het niet weten wat de reden is , mogen wij niet alle schuld aan Alma geven .
De echte reden gaan wij toch nooit weten . tenzei … etc
Hellow people.
At 8.30hs , they were having sex on the couch, Alma got up screaming, it seemed that Ceres and Alma were arguing… then Alma went to the bedroom and she seemed calm… at 15hs she seemed to be calm, and now i find them offline
Actually John we are both wrong! I accept you are correct that Ceres appeared at Trisha’s first but I didn’t see that. The first time I saw him and which I was referring to in my last post, was when he appeared at Xavier & Harmony’s apartment and fucked a guest girl. That was on the 4th June.