
oooh you are awful ,

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So here we go:
Ceres is a guy. Inga was announced to be a guest.
Ceres is a female name. And it’s Inga’s house.
Also, now it’s Henry’s place.

Hopefully I didn’t miss anything!

Conspiracy Theory Glasses GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨

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A few things were missed but they are relevant to realm27… oops i meant irrelevant to realm24 :grin: :grin:

Jetzt geht mir ein Licht auf. Ich hab nie verstanden warum Inga diesen (für mich) fürchterlichen Schleimer Stitsch (oder so ähnlich) in der Wohnung dulden musste und jetzt weiß ich auch woher ich Ceres kenne, allerdings nicht unbedingt in positiver Erinnerung aus Trishas alter Wohnung.

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your a woman ? it should all make sense to you , its us guys that dont work well with making sense. we see it we say it

You missed the part where It’s all a conspiracy theory :joy:

What if missing this is part of theory?

You forgot the part where all of this made Mr. Sparkles BIG MAD! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :triumph: :triumph:

:wink: :upside_down_face: :cry:

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@robwin Yeah, Mine. :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :facepunch:t3:

Does this mean our boy Henry will fuck Inga soon? :thinking: :fire:

Ceres is gorgeous…I can’t wait to see him naked. Must have a cute ass too. lol

Ceres is a Dwarf Planet.

A lady dwarf planet. :sweat_smile:

With a Huge Twinkle Cave @NotSeth

He was named by someone on this forum as he was a guest before at Trisha and Inga. Not sure why everyone is making fun of the name as someone from this forum named him.

Here You Go, Ceres Huge Twinkle Cave.

Also a girls name of latin origin

I do apologise again. I seriously tried to stay out of the discussion and i kind of failed. My bad
Now that i said all that i had to say, i am out of it. :hugs:

OH ! and everyone on this forum are sensible? jeeze nothing like making a guy feel lonely :rofl:

Just because a forum member gave him a name doesn’t meant we can’t poke fun at the name. It’s all in good fun I believe. No one is being mean about it. For all we know that forum member gave the guy a girl’s name as an inside joke.