Like I replied to David. They told kaya they were giving their cat a regular grooming. Shaving your cat is not a regular grooming and your electric razor does not cut hair shorter when the batteries are low. There is a lot not adding up here…
I think Occam’s razor fits what happened to their cat perfectly (pun intended).
They were wasted (everyone was _____ing heavily) and thought shaving their cat would be a good idea. They didn’t realize the batteries to their electric razor was low. Again, because they were wasted. The battery died. When they woke up and sobered up they had to think of some excuse as to why they half shaved their poor cat.The best excuse they could think of was blaming the half cat shaving on their electric razor having a low battery…
He’s a great looking young man. I must admit, I really enjoyed watching him wandering around the apartment naked! I certainly agree about the pubic hair.
I kind of thought that has something to do with it. And if true, they need to not be in the same place. She is crazy. Watch when she gets in same room with him again. She goes bat s__t crazy