2.5 liters sounds doable. I’ve heard some say 4 liters. They must pee all day.
They probably thought ■■■■
I don’t know if they both know Masha from RLC, I overheard a conversation there about their holiday plans (we shouldn’t talk about countries) but I think she mentioned “the city” as a possible destination.
Cheap accommodation will certainly be appreciated.
but it’s just a thought…
Masha from RLC, her apartment is Rome Italy
that’s right
He uses ready made dough, the secret is to be Italian
We are familiar with Masha
Looool! Please ask Carlos if he is aware of the youtube chanel Pasta Grammar. I’m sure he’ll love it.
As they say in modern times, you have to be a little crazy in order not to go crazy
Well it seems that Claire in some say situations, is still in the adjustment phase, still shows shyness in some situations as it is, It is normal, it is still a short time in apartment, and you don’t feel comfortable yet
it’s slowly becoming more homely in the apartment.
well done, the loving couple on violet.
(violet stands for mystical but also for melancholy ?)
I have seen mercury, venus, mars, jupiter (plus moons), saturn (plus moons) and uranus (once). The most exciting thing I saw was a black object tumbling across the face of Jupiter. It was a large piece of rocket wreckage in earth’s orbit.
there is also a second piece of art on Orange. the interpretation is more difficult. (torso with waist?)
Here we depend on Claire’s explanation.
Both works of art are successful. They come into their own even better when they are glued to a hard foam board
Thank you
Nice artwork
Yes, you are right in the picture of the chest and waist. Yesterday Carlos went to a friend’s birthday party. The muse came to me and I drew all evening
I want to draw and attach next, I also think what color of cardboard to choose. There are yellow, blue, light green, delicate blue