guestgirl @ Ally & Dan
Is it just me Cara looks like Martha when she looked in the mirror great pic
Her body shape, tall, lil titts, makes her ressemble Martha, agreed on.
I still see the ressemblance to Mia, which was why I suggested Cara for her name like in the italian expression Cara Mia, my dear.
Hmmm, checking for mobile dandruff (Pthirus pubis or better known as crabs)?
I know…I’m going to hell!
Never heard it put like this before
Having been in the medical world for the majority of my working life it’s a medical term (trust me on that!!"
I’ll trust you on that
See you around then, with quite a few others from here on the forum I suspect. Now then, imagine us former forum members, taking a break from the fire and brimstone, reminiscing the good old days in VHTV
And all sitting on perverts row!