Blocking cams

Just to get my two penneth in, I am of the opinion that anyone invited to an apartment is obviously, I assume, always told what the apartment is for and why the cams are there. If they are uncomfortable with that then stay away and don’t go. After all if you don’t like roller coasters you don’t ride on one. Or if they do decide to visit don’t use the facility’s or don’t obscure the cams intended vision. They aren’t f___ed to have sex or use the shower but if they do that is up to them to accept the cams.


Amen with knobs on!..Or to put it another way, agreed! :laughing:

Earlier today at Montana realm 73.

Guest Guy sticks some paper over the living room cam 14.

It was like this for 6 hours (whilst he was doing his webcamming) before he removed it.

It seems more and more of this is happening, unfortunately.

i complained about to vhtv customer support

guests can often cover the camera accidentally because they do not know the camera’s angle of view. As for the door, I’m pretty sure it’s an accident.
curtain in the van, hmm, I think this is permissible unless, of course, sex is not happening there at that moment)
but the guy who closed the camera for several hours is evil

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I’m interested in understanding his logic, because the other two cameras see him perfectly


The cabinet door was definitely deliberate. She looked at the cam, then opened the door and got into the shower. She didn’t take anything out of the cabinet so had no need to open it other than to block the cam. As soon as she was dressed again after the shower she closed the cabinet door.

My guess is he didn’t want us to see what was on his computer screen. But he should really have moved the computer screen and not covered up the cam.

I really think it is not hard to determine a viewing angle of a cam especially when I move something right in front of it…

If you mean shower curtains they either need to be removed or fully transparent…

I still do not get why only half the shower is visible in your place and nobody does anything against it…?

Funnily enough I just made a thread about this

maybe @Sophia_Elon can have a look at it.

Yes, he needed to move the computer screen because everything could be seen on cam 3 what he was doing anyway.

Did you contact support?

If I’d been watching live I would have. But I only saw it on the timeline hours later and by that time the cam was uncovered so I didn’t see the point in contacting support.

Still using a shower curtain here.

This one is allowed. it is fully transparent

What about this one?

Those shower curtains are definitely fine (and based on the type of tub in that apartment probably very much needed or else water everywhere lol). That should be the rule - clear shower curtains or open door showers only!

I still say that if a shower curtain is needed then the camera must be moved to the other side of the curtain. Transparent curtains do not stay transparent went they have drops of water on them.

Not fully transparent and therefore not allowed. You can make a ticket to get it removed.