Black & Peace

A super _____ Peace was carried in through the door at 2330

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Вы очень внимательны. Спасибо :upside_down_face:

Действительно прекрасный комментарий. Благодарю! Очень приятно :slight_smile:

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Don’t worry. Me and Noldus are always looking out for _____ people. No judgement. Keep doing what you are doing. I love it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You are one of the most interesting couples. :sparkling_heart:

Peeing in the shower would be welcome too :grin:

Yep, and Black and Peace have a great shower cam. :+1:t3:

Why are you crying honey ?

Perhaps she has been down in the dumps; she must be in love with her boy, and had missed him, as when he came back, the mood has improved, and she’s happy again; :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice chick very sexy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Our own little Marilyn!

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Грустная песня играла…

Благодарю :kissing_heart:

Спасибо :yum::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I like that situation. Seems to be that there are deep feelings involved. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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I wish they would invite some people over to their house. I think it’s unhealthy to not socialise enough.

They must be bored;

Black, your head is in the way.

What is that stuck up her ass

Preparing for an as-fuck


Well, as I will say, more variety, good content, good viewing conditions, in one place, impossible, as always excellent Peace, wonderful