Andreza @ Pinky
@Teanna , that was a nice distance to the cam to take closeups. Just every move of finger aso makes the camera refocus, and then it’s hard to catch sharp pics.
Also, @Teanna, at one point you were so close to the camera that it was unable to focus, at all.
These cameras aren’t made for really close-up photography. They’re not like the cameras on your smartphone that adjust the focus according to where the subject is from the camera. The VHTV cams are what’s known as fixed focus cameras.
That means that everything from a certain distance close to the camera to a certain distance further away from the camera is in focus. The far distance may also be set to infinity, so that everything from the near distance to infinity is in focus.
But, once you get within that area from the camera to the near distance, you’ll be out of focus for the reason explained above. It’s like you’re behind where the camera starts to focus. Like this.
In this photo, even though there’s no movement, your pussy, the butt plug and the surrounding area are out of focus because they’re in that “no focus” zone.
But, everything behind your pussy is in focus—well, as focused as these cameras get, which is not great to start with.
Here’s another example.
This is a full screen/full size photo, and I waited until there was no movement in your hand before I took the shot. Again, you can see that everything at the butt plug level is out of focus, and everything behind you is in focus—glass, lap table, sofa, wall, etc.
In both cases, it’s because the out of focus areas are in that “no focus” zone, for lack of a better description.
Sorry for writing a book. I hope it’s helpful.
Thanks to @Kade181727 for the originals.
That’s Andreza.