Best post

Then why the hell are we talking about it. :rofl: :rofl:

Because I was simply agreeing with what Albion rightly said.

ok so have you got anything to back it up any news reports ,i not saying you can not die ,but i have not seen anything ,hold on the only thing i have seen is the 3rd world country’s but to be fair noone s place is that bad

Hopefully? so you dont trust the shops there neither. :thinking: :hushed:

so if you are just agreeing with someone it may not be right

the things i going to do there be no time in eating

Depends on shop hygiene, ‘use by’ dates and so on. :slight_smile:

Well i totally agree with you. But you need to eat food or you will die of hunger. :rofl: :rofl:

Agreeing was just for starters, I knew it was correct.

whatever the post was for fun ,what you need to do is take a chill pill

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I call dibs on Dobby :sweat_smile:

Me on Sabrina. :heart_eyes: :sweat_smile:

Thank you for the advice :hugs:

I would hope to be eating an awful lot of things. Would have to be Lola.

Are you talking current apartments or are past apartments eligible too?

Why not the past ones ? if you can time travel :grin:

I did hear that there were a couple of approved methods for this which include some timey wimey thing or traveling at 88 mph in a Delorian and even if you manipulate a map through the quantum realm. :rofl:
Just to name a couple but I know there are a few more methods available. :upside_down_face:

it can only be current ,the reason if you win you can not stay with them they are not here any more

Not here? Damn those basements! :angry: