Hey, guys. Let’s add a little more fun! We’ll be creating the week’s nominations.
The first nomination “Best group activity” is valid 03.02.24 -10.02.24.
Here are the rules:
Post fullscreen snapshots/gifs or videos from parties, guest visits and other group activities in this topic
Don’t forget to mention realm name/link/timeline in the post
Only content from actual time period is taking part in competition (currently 3.02-10.02). Not from archive - live or recent snapshots!
Share likes or other reactions - author of the most popular post will be gifted with +5 Premium days in the end of each week. Negative reactions count too!
Winning realm gets rewarded too for provided angles
Discussions are welcome!
Check out other nominations topics and make sure to participate!
My name is Alexey and I’m from the marketing team.
Guys, I just want to spice up our everyday life and add a little fun. If you already follow real videos, then post interesting ones here. We motivate models a little to be more active, they will see that they are really being followed, that someone likes this content, and we will not offend active users