Arina realm87, there’s a moon for x-mas, just missing the serenade for perfect holiday-feelings.
Christmas spirit…

edit: I forgot to write the name of the realm sorry… (Raslan and Ballerina Realm 41 along with draca as guest)…
Raslan and Ballerina Realm 41
What do you get with Sexy Ballerina Plus cleaning lady Draca? Me holiday spirit
sorry friend raslan & ballerina and realm 41 and not 47…
Thank you for the catch on the my mistake
no problem friend…
Ballerina realm41, and Draca trying out their high-tec x-mas outfits. Ballerina’s dress with automatic titts-out-function, Draca with the automatic pussy-out-function.
makes me wonder what new gadgets will be there in the new year. Can’t wait.
FairPoint. I do wish they would let you donate days again. I can’t see where it would do any harm or be any harder to do than giving them to the person who won them. Maybe it is, IDK.
Isn’t it time for a lot of more free days? So many posts with 10 likes or more…
Arina, Bono Realm87
Without question, she is one of Santa’s sexiest elves!
Rosy Realm94
There’s the angel I want on top of my tree!
Raslan and Ballerina Realm 41
From Ballerina and Draca smiling and dancing to Draca sharing her toy with Ballerina puts a big smile on my face and full of holiday joy