Bertie & Adil

It was more interesting without the girl.

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The girl brings a bisexual boy and she will like him more, but she alone is enough

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I agree, since the girl arrived Bertie and Adil have become more distant with each other. Time for her to leave I think.

the other day when Bertie put his arms around Adil in the kitchen, and Adil was looking at Bertie in a certain way. I found myself sitting here with a silly smile on my face. It would be nice just to watch a regular couple living together with none of the cross-dressing or girly stuff. just two guys being guys who happen to have sex. There is a place for cross-dressing and all that, and many apartments pander to that taste, I’d just like to have one without it. I don’t think they need any of that. I enjoy them enjoying each other’s company. I like 'em both.

This a very hot threesome!

adil went to artem kingdom while berti shoots his shots with a girl

I notice they don’t go to the end of the sexual act

Who even is she?

Life Who Is She GIF

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She seems to be someone Bertie is into more than he’s into Adil at the moment.


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looks like a still from a found footage horror movie.

Pensatela come cazzo vi pare, ma questa è la dimostrazione che VH non avrà MAI e ripeto MAI una coppia gay che faccia solo cose gay.
E comunque è più interessante l’appartamento di Nikohey che questi due che molto preso abbandoneranno il progetto.

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I always said it’s been since 2020 that I’ve been on vht when you have a gay couple it breaks because a girl or a guy comes to put it between them so that other gay couple left vht before it happens


this girl and stupid she turns off the lamp so as not to be seen in the bathroom the cameras are infrared cameras that see at night or in dark light


So that’s where Artem got the picture on his bedroom wall from.


Is that Twinkletoes from Sanilav’s apartment?

Yes I believe it is.

hehe, naughty.

Oh My Gasp GIF by Originals