Bertie & Adil

Je ne pleure pas. Je déplore juste quand quelqu’un se réjouit qu’une fille arrive dans un lieu à la place de gay alors qu’il y a plus de 20 appartements hétérosexuels

As i just said if one of the tenants want to bring a female guest to there apartment its there choice so :+1::ok_hand:

Oui bien sûr. Mais de là à s’en réjouir.

you rejoice. 'adil is going to leave the kingdom they told us that bertie plays with adil’s feelings you think it’s a good humiliation that makes adil play with his feelings

I’m bi , i can give some lessons LoL

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Someone is being a sneaky boy! :astonished: :sweat_smile:


Bi is good!!!

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Boring. Not inspiring me to watch the apartment or any others they turn up at.

I do approve of Adil’s socks though.

Adil look mighty fine all relaxed on the couch…

realm87-cam15-1654624266 (2)

Adil why do you not want to join the dance party?? :face_with_monocle: :cry:

Adil is dancing now. All is well. :smiling_face:

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Adil like “you got room in the back for one more??” :sweat_smile:

I like his shirt. I’ve been looking for a similar one. I like his little bumbum too.
The two things are unrelated.

Well what do you know, Bertie does suck dick.


It’s a wibbly wobbly world…
Looks like Adil is going out. I wonder if he’ll turn up at Artem’s.

Just going to meet with Sanita or whatever her name is. I don’t know which is which of those two girls.

I should probably have just mimicked Life with ‘Guest is visiting’.

Or check the Wiki :wink:

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I do use it, it just irritates me that the default view is the last entry and you have to scroll the slider up to the top to get to the list of apartments. Which doesn’t matter to you as you know the realm numbers by heart but some of us don’t. s sometimes it’s a drag to use the wiki. it’s not as speedy as it could be if the forum defaulted to the first post not the last.

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Every post in Wiki has a link which brings you to top in a blink of an eye :wink: