Bertie & Adil

All we can do is keep voicing our displeasure at how things have turned out here and hope that someone will eventually listen and do something about it.

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If looks could k__l. he is not a happy camper.


Bertie, with that face of few friends, I don’t know if he is defending the crazy woman or is next to Adil, if he loves her, the two are plenty, but many of us love Adil


(post deleted by author)

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berti wrote to him on torso de la nana bich c est lui bich


their false love when I look at this hypocrisy I want to explode my screen

If this don´t get fixed, it´s over. Never subsribe again and will consider it as “conspiracy” against LGBT from VHTV. I stop to believe it is coincidence that every “gay attempt” ends so fast… They just give us false hope and then cut it (and milk extra cash from LGBT). This time, it will be really hard to win me back as a subcsriber…

I was going to post the same thing!

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Has Bertie used Adil to get an apartment? She has only taken days to bring the crazy woman… why not lesbians and gays? because female and not male bisexuality, a few years ago there was male bisexuality and now there isn’t

I realized this 3-4 years ago.nothing new .

They are still the same.

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Nothing has changed in 4 years to date. Nothing!!! Shame !!!

(post deleted by author)

How they were never a real couple to begin with??

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Exactly :+1:t5: :pray::+1::+1::+1:

At least Adil is telling us that he loves his gay fans.

Maybe we should concentrate on giving our support to Adil and ignore what Bertie & the girl are doing.

Hopefully Adil can meet someone who will be special to him soon.



The point is they are willing to bring the girl to the apartment or they tell them to do so.

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Such passion and love in their eyes!!!
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

SÏ certo, attaccatemi pure. Tanto quello che scrivo io vi dà sempre fastidio! Per voi quello che scrivo è tutto una stronzata!!! Ma va va. Chiedo di uscire per sempre da questo sito. Mi sono rotto il cazzo .

Confused Trailer Park Boys GIF