Oh wow. Yea they needed to go
Go look at the Goldie & Finley forum 2 days ago, you will find some video clips of violent actions by Ben and Teresa, 2 cameras were knock out in the process, and G&F went offline for about 6 hours.
Here is a link to the fight on the Loggia
Big cat fight
teresa has always been irritable (perhaps bipolar) even before her f____r sadly passed away and even before sergio’s death…
I blame the bedtime head bouncing mostly!
yes that is also not a regular thing…
however someone should tell her also because I don’t think she knows since it happens while she s___ps…(maybe consulting a doctor who can help her)…
she obviously has mental issues (bipolar) and maybe her f____rs death triggered a episode combined with a_____l thats why i wont go to hard on her and her friends should have helped her more instead of letting her _____ too much a_____l.
you are right the first thing he should do is to stop _____ing so much…(but if no one tells him anything and they always give him _____s he will never understand that he has to stop)…
et la deuxième chose elle doit passer un EEG chez un neurologue. j’en suis sur qu’elle aura un traitement a la dépakine.