Let’s hope the two pricks will stay away…
I don’t know who setup this apartment, but they F…ed up the Cam / Apartment map, probably due to the mess they made of cam 1 originally.
the real cam 1 is not shown on the map at all! It should be on the wall directly across from the hall door. Map cam 1 is really cam 2. due to this error all the rest of the cams are off by 1 as well!
I also think one more cam could be added in the bathroom for a better view of the bathtub!
Agree, Support is your friend for that.
Maybe Lyla and Ben will make a fire together in the bedroom instead!
When you want a fire you need to invite the Stifmeister
This never gets old
Damn, never will never forget that. good old Stif
isn’t that the beautiful Darcie?
Yeah and I never can decide what is the more hilarious. Stif fucking it up or Darcie freaking out ?
Ariana is
Her daddy is dead. The brother had just called.
I am sorry to hear that, May he be blessed in his afterlife!
Very ,sad for her.first Serigo. Now her dad
At least she has her bestie Goldie
Sorry to hear that Teresa sending prayers
Querida Teresa, te acompaño en tu sentimiento primero fue Sergio y ahora tu amado padre que el Señor lo acoja en su reino y algún día muy pero muy lejano os volveréis a encontrar R.I.P.