Benjamin & Teresa

Let’s hope the two pricks will stay away… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know who setup this apartment, but they F…ed up the Cam / Apartment map, probably due to the mess they made of cam 1 originally.

the real cam 1 is not shown on the map at all! It should be on the wall directly across from the hall door. Map cam 1 is really cam 2. due to this error all the rest of the cams are off by 1 as well!

I also think one more cam could be added in the bathroom for a better view of the bathtub!

Agree, Support is your friend for that.

Lyla and Ben are .going to burn the place down :stuck_out_tongue:

The Simpsons Fire GIF

Maybe Lyla and Ben will make a fire together in the bedroom instead! :hot_face: :fire: :sweat_drops:

When you want a fire you need to invite the Stifmeister :joy:

This never gets old :see_no_evil: :stuck_out_tongue:


Damn, never will never forget that. good old Stif :stuck_out_tongue:
isn’t that the beautiful Darcie?

Yeah and I never can decide what is the more hilarious. Stif fucking it up or Darcie freaking out ? :joy: :see_no_evil:

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Ariana & Goldie, what a display of beauty :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Ariana is :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Hmmm Ken, some might argue that you are on the wrong side of the sofa :thinking: :thinking:

Does anyone know what this was about?

Her daddy is dead. The brother had just called.

I am sorry to hear that, May he be blessed in his afterlife!
:pray: :pray: :pray:

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Very ,sad for her.first Serigo. Now her dad :cry:
At least she has her bestie Goldie :heart:


Sorry to hear that Teresa sending prayers :hugs: :pray:


Querida Teresa, te acompaño en tu sentimiento primero fue Sergio y ahora tu amado padre que el Señor lo acoja en su reino y algún día muy pero muy lejano os volveréis a encontrar R.I.P. :pray: :pray: :pray:

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angry mark sheppard GIF