
se devo scegliere preferisco @Amelie_Lucas ci stanno regalando delle serate stupende insieme a pixie…

Why should she do it? She not obliged to any explanation…

prima rispondeva sempre ma visto che ci sta prendendo per il culo a smesso di scrivere…

I didn’t say she was. It’s obvious she’s not, that’s why I made my comment.

English please :grimacing:


if I have to choose I prefer @Amelie_Lucas they are giving us wonderful evenings together with pixie …


translation by google

We think you should also give a chance to Bella and Leo and Tony :slightly_smiling_face:


You should get Pixy an own place :heart_eyes: :+1:

I agree with you but bella has been fooling us for too long

Listen to the smart man!

They have a good thing going on at the moment. why would they ruin it?

stai parlando di soldi…

Money ?!? no, that’s not my concern. I generally prefer places with more than one or two participants living in them. the interaction and complexity of the relationships makes it more interesting to watch.

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io anche preferisco i luoghi con pochi partecipanti…forse il mio italiano con la traduzione diventa tutto un altro discorso…prima o poi imparo l’inglese senza usare il traduttore…

vi chiedo scusa ma devo imparare l’inglese…

Good idea. but TBH I have no problem understanding your comments. Translator does a good job converting Italian to English :wink:


google translator thought it was s__t for you …

There is a globe among the posts that translates it as needed.

No it’s not that bad.