
Who is the guy who has constant private talk with Bella??

Other being just suportive and nice haven’t you asked her what is all this s__t going on?? I’m so qurious about her answer :joy::joy:

Lol, what has that with real/unreal?

I’m also in contact with many others.

I bet you are, so why not ask her?

I can tell u guys r soap opera fans lol

Lol after my comments here propably she hates my existence. I’m very bad influence for her bank account :joy::joy::joy:

their bank account

I mean guys…Is it possible that they’re acting for all these hrs? How much money r they making off of this cz if they’re acting they better be making bankkkk

Acting or no acting, like I said earlier as long as she wears pants there’s nothing to really worry about.

Dunno, she didn’t mention anything about you :thinking:

You know it’s pretty simple, look how much active was she in the forum before some of us start translating what is happening.
And than boom silence.
She can’t come tomorrow and say” Hei guys we just taking our time till we fell comfortable with each other” cause facts are facts.
She also can’t say I’m falling with Tony since again facts about their discussion have been translated here.
So what she will do is to withdraw her self from giving any comments cause she doesn’t have anymore space to say bulls__ts
And than gonna be coming in the future to say
“Tomorrow we have guest, join for a hot night”

It’s exactly the story of Amelie and Lucas

that s why you are coming here :rofl: :rofl:

You misunderstood me.

We’re glad you’re here, at least someone who understands the language. The only pity is that you only translate as far as money is concerned. We all already know that. Last time we asked someone to translate about the Costa Indira drama, but there was no one anywhere. That is a pity.

For this today, I can tell you firsthand that this is a game that has gone too far. And not from Bella.

The thing is me to translate something that is staged it’s stupid.

Also I could go and translate for the sake of the viewers, the fake blah blah blah . But In that case I have to spent my time aka money of vhtv on their apartment and I can’t do it since I do not support the fake drama and the lack of respect to the viewers.

Then I don’t see a reason why you’re on VHTV? That doesn’t mean I’m chasing you away, don’t understand me wrong, I’m seriously asking. You really don’t find anything interesting anywhere? Even though it’s a job, a game, earning money?

It is sometimes interesting to look at the whole thing without sound, then it is as if you understand nothing. If you understand the “drama”, half the fun is gone.

This is sometimes similar in the CB shows where there are supposedly neighbors or friends who you supposedly want to seduce, who know nothing.

So many apartments on this site do fake staged bulls__t. I’m convinced Aderyn and Aylin are staged and I’m almost convinced Igor and Ashley are staged. It’s like watching a TV show at this point, except sometimes you get to see sex. I’m still more interested in the will they or won’t they aspect, whether it’s staged or not. It will still be really curious to see if Bella and Tony actually go through with having sex or not.

well for now, it’s still boring!

I personally don’t care much if what I see is real or fake and what their motives are, the only thing that matters is if they are interesting/entertaining or not. I be watching if they produce a good show and if not I won’t waste my time with them. I found the kissing/making out session between Tony & Leo quite interesting to watch.

That makes two of us :sweat_smile:

There is lot of apartments that one way or another are genuine,
Mira Henry crew
Gaya Graison
Dexter Kelly
To name some,
I support those places, they deserve their money,
It is what it is for them, no clickbait’s, no lies,and the drama is genuine.