Hahaha you said you worked for PETA.
They are the biggest hypocrites in the world. They are the largest k__lers of domesticated a____ls in the world. Between 60-80% of all a____ls they get into their shelters are euthanised. So spare us your preaching dude. That dog has more chance of living a longer life with him than it ever has at being in a PETA shelter. You’re acting like an extremist and think everyone should have your views on a____l welfare and if they don’t, should be publicly flogged.
I wish you a nice day, too
Already did
I agree with you, they should be reported, Flagging only gets the realm forum locked down. I personaly don’t give a reaction to his gifs, I feel ignoring him is more of a statement, as he is obviously soliciting for reactions.
I’m having trouble understanding this forum site.
I have ignored forever several ppl here, and every time I look, their words still grace the pages I read.
Sparkles has a hidden profile, does that make him un-ignorable ?
I can’t get to his “ignore” button. Pls forgive my ig-norance. lol
thank you i had no idea you could do that
Ι don’t understand you pay a sudscription to ιn the voyeurism channel and instead of biscussing
about Bella’s ass or why doesn’t make it sex for us to enjoy,you discuss adout the dog and
food she has to eat.I thing you are in the wrong forum.
Who or what the fuck are you?!? Go back to your bridge
lol-- shut up –
Back with a girl
It might be the Ukrainian girl she met the other day on Tinder according to her Twitter.
Tonight I am having a guest - a Ukrainian girl that I met here https://twitter.com/BellaLeoRealm32/status/1508136897188614152/photo/1
So the shower and the sink are in the same cubicle. Is that typical in some European countries? The apartment itself doesn’t appear to be that small to need such a compact bathroom IMO. Just curious.
Hmmm I saw that once in an apartment in Austria I stayed. It is uncommon but there are some places with that setup for sure.
Maybe it isn’t a sink. Maybe it’s a very tiny bath.
I cannot speak for every European country, but I would say that it is quite unusual and I haven’t seen it before. I have however seen it in India where it is very common to have even the toilet in the shower cubicle as well, I also saw this on a few travel bloggers when they were staying in hotels in Ethiopia.
Bella’s is what is commonly called a studio or efficiency apartment, but you’re right, I’ve never seen a sink in a shower before.
A studio apartment, also known as a studio flat, a self-contained apartment, efficiency apartment, bed-sitter or bachelor apartment, is a small apartment in which the normal functions of a number of rooms – often the living room, bedroom, and kitchen – are combined into a single room. Wikipedia
Totally NOT true!!