
Stress might cause bad decisions. Good luck with this situation and don’t let this nightmare to break you and burn your relationships down.

Bella already stated on Twitter that Leo is no longer a participant and that they have broken up. Only time will tell if the realm comes back online.

Ukpolska I think you will find that the people criticising Leo have fought in a war zone and that is why they cannot understand his behaviour when women and c___dren are dying and all he thinks is having sex. Lets be honest the new girl who we all believe is shy all he wanted was to try and have sex with her within 1 day of her arriving in their apartment. Even in a voyeur house and during a war that is unbelievable and unacceptable behaviour and maybe that is why Bella decided to leave, finally realising it was all about him and not THEM


Just realized there is little point in try to reason with this warmonger. :frowning:

Ignored is such a wonderful feature for this G.I. Joe :blush: :blush:

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… Read everything…

No comment

Simon Pegg Blank Stare GIF by HULU

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saw this s__t coming since it first started… was always weird watching this realm s___ping with other people while ur bf/husband watches always ends in tears

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I do use mine for thinking what had I said was that incorrect.
1.Most people criticising Leo have fought in a war zone - look at the other forum.
2.Did Leo try to have sex with the shy girl with 1 day of her arriving
3.Is it all about Leo (look at previous comments when he had sex with Pixie)
I think you will see 7 people already have agreed with me
Lets see what your brain comes up within your answers this time

you all care way too much and need to chill the fuck out


dont have to send me a dm abusing me cause u fuckign obsessed over some people you never met get a grip you moron

Better say it there than what I would say here and who are you to dictate who should do what and where? You are no one like me… :man_facepalming: Anyway, these will be going to the bin soon with the rest of the rants of narrow-mindedness where @Winston119973 holds the dubious record of highest poster :roll_eyes:

If you scroll up you will see my post on this and I hardly watch this channel as too full of old wannabe fans boys thinking that if they say Bella this and that they will win favour with her and it is laughable, so on that one I agree with you.

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Where is the GIF option gone? I need a cigarette after reading this thread.

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ukpolska I have agreed on many of your views and comments on different forums but on this one you are completely wrong
Also, funny how you have not replied to my comments.
Suggest you look up in the dictionary the term warmonger - the war has been going on 7 days already despite the HEROICS of the Ukraine people and women and c___dren dying from the mad man that is Putin/ Spell it out so we all know the meaning
I also tend to ignore people when I am in the wrong

high wiz khalifa GIF

Leo already had sex with her more than once since she been there

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From the previous comments I am not sure of that

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well you reep what you sew… leo’s insecurity got the best of him… Bella called his bluff when he told them to get out… Pretty sure putin is seeing with the world calling his bluff.


Sono ormai più di tre giorni che c’era qualcosa che non andava tra Leo e Bella, lo dicevo e nessuno mi credeva. Preferivate inoltre focalizzarvi sulla nuova ragazza piuttosto che guardare cosa stava realmente succedendo in quell’appartamento. Sta di fatto che dal giorno in cui Leo ha deciso di avventurarsi con altre ragazze, in primis a casa di Amelie, tutto è andato per il verso sbagliato. Mi dispiace molto per Bella, non se lo meritava tutto questo.

I do know of one time he did in the living room under the covers

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I am at the hospital, hiding from danger from the air and will go home after a curfew ends at 6 am, will go by taxi and then will pick my clothes and move from the apartment to run to a more save place for me

Thank you for your support :heart:



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