
Reminds me “Love in the time of Cholera” by GG Marquez


Tony is definitely a nice guy…
Tender and respectfull…


Let’s remember these moments, I think only the beginnings.


I agree. He’s very gentlemanly. They make a nice pair.

I think she appreciates this more than being groped and finger-banged by Leo at all hours of the night after escaping from war. Never understood why Bella enables this behaviour, but whatever.

She’s been crying for a few days, what’s going on?

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Read the news :roll_eyes:

Vu le nombre de bouteilles avec lesquelles Leo est parti… Soit il part lancer des Molotovs, soit il part se saouler.
Je ne pense pas que ce soit réellement moins “lopette” (quelle expression horrible, btw)

This sucks man, why don’t humans just get along.

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Un gentleman qui n’en a pas la seule chose qu’il sait faire c’est caresser les filles alors que tous les jeunes de son pays se battent pour défendre leur pays lui est seulement capable de frotter les filles même à ce niveau il ne sait pas s’imposer c’est ce que je pense ne le porter pas trop au nues il le mérite pas

dynamics of this house, it amazes me, this girl was in the same pose as leo



j,espere que Tony lira mes commentaires et qu’il se justifira. Son attitude au lit confirme ma position le coq a pris position dans l’appartement

:roll_eyes: :thinking:don’t understand what’s going on, but I think Leo should use a word: I’m sorry. That would make him a real man, not sex. :zipper_mouth_face:

It is interesting to see the process: meeting, sympathy, attraction … (I will keep watching) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs:

Zou graag willen weten waarom dit ontstaan is. Is het dat het nieuwe meisje niks van Leo wil weten, of krijgt Tony teveel aandacht van de meisjes in de ogen van Leo? Of weet iemand wat er wel aan de hand is?

I think they better closing down this place we pay to see people make love and some fucking too and regular stuff not fight and war…

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Ik weet het niet, helaas versta ik hun spraak niet. Ik weet echter dat de situatie niet zo schandalig mag worden, wat de oorzaak van het conflict ook is, ze kunnen alleen maar verliezers zijn.

What’s wrong with Leo?? Why does he want to attack Tony??? Why is he throwing him out of the apartment and calling him a whore?

What did I miss???

That`s real Life…

The situation is complicated. I don’t think even they themselves really understand, hopefully settling down soon.

cosa e’ successo con tony