Bella, don’t set a bad example for Leo
why are this topic being censored Why?
mah non capisco anche io
Fine, glad you did this. Respect!
Keep up the good work, and don’t let them disturb you with these sick things.
no a funcionado Tony y Tina por que salió Leo de la habitación y se metió en el cuarto de la cámara 5 y se a quedando sentado en un puf vigilando a T&T por si hacían algo mas que ver la película del ordenador, creo que Leo es un celoso posesivo y quiera a las 2 chicas para el solo
Vedo che c’è dell’attrito tra Bella e Leo…
The translator says ‘friction’. That is a good thing, right?
If you are on twitter with Bella, she posted some scary stuff
Now the siren is blaring for danger. don’t worry, we looked at the messages from the government and it says that the attack is coming from the sea. and this siren is for everyone to run away from the sea. our house is far from the sea, so we can safely stay at home now
Bummer, so no surfing today then, b___dy war gets in the way of all the fun.
Keep on being safe
Felix, thank you so much!) I just showed your message to Tina - she thanked a lot.
She is not comfortable with showering in underwear
We will not turn off cameras in our bathroom
Tina will just cover bathroom camera once a day on the evening for 15 mins to shower naked in a save and comfort way for her
Tina thanks you, Felix, personally for such a respect for her. And also thanks all of you, I showed her all the messages about her - she is flattered and very grateful for how supportive you are for her. And what you like her)
Tina send kisses
With love and respect, Bella
Somebody may correct me but I thought cruise missiles can reach a distance of between 1,500 - 2,500 km
Maybe not the crappy Russian ones
They actually don’t really know how far Russian ones go, they may go further
What is her Twitter?
Unfortunately Jabs they aren’t crappy, they are pretty accurate.
Do what is best for you all. If it means dr____g a towel over the cam, then do it! I am sure the VH team understands in this situation. We are just thankful you have decided to stay Online.
For it would be easy in this case, simply just to go offline until it is over. (Which we all want to be sooner than later!)
VHTV knows about situation and they won’t do anything when this cam gets covered.
Seriously, if this is such a problem, I’ll pay it back!