

getting ready for tonight :wink:

would you wear for us :heart_eyes:

Tony a bien travaillé ménage cuisine il devrait avoir sa récompense

Dear Tony… get a life… leo made your bed into a couch so you guys can’t play… BORING

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I add my voice to you… Tony has to live his life without anyone telling him what to do.
Tony these viewers sympathize with you, you are the most likable character in this apartment

solo io penso che leo ha salvato tony :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:quello gioco eh sono t_____e cinesi :smile: :smile:ringraziatelo…se avesse 1 raggazza solo per se’ sarebbe un regno piu’ caldo

Tony is right to leave

I’m very hopeful too. A perfect night soon

You do know that Bella said yesterday that she has her period, don’t you?

The couch was changed a week ago… Just saying it’s time to get something for himself…im my opinion he just there so Bella can reel Leo back in… Period

Seamos realistas que este lugar llama la atención de todos por tony y el trío que se forma antes de que llegara tony este lugar no era muy popular como lo es hoy en día, espero que tony encuentre su propio lugar y le demuestre a leo que no necesita de sus migajas y que leo lo necesita a el aquí.

Tony deja crecer el pelo otra vez…


Leo est rentré seul en colere le ton est monté entre lui et tony.leo a l’air cntrarié je le plains il subit

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la dispute continue entre bella et leo je pense au sujet de tony probléme de partage pour leo bella tres favorable a avoir 2 amants

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Watching Bella in the bathroom right now, I have to say that she’s the sexiest woman on VHTV

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Bella and Tony almost busted by Leo!

it happens all the time. free to touch, no sex. when leo lets it

mah deve solo andarsene…

Si j’étais leo je les mets tous les deux à la porte ils baiseraient dans la rue