Bella senin leo ya masaj yaparken , tony nin sana dokunması çok tahrik edici.(miki nin önüne geçeni becermesini seyretmektense sizi izlemek daha güzel)
lucas ve amelie sizi izlemekde çok güzel.(pixie)
mira ve henry işi porno ya çevirdiler.çok ruhsuz hayvanlar gibi
Thank you for your care, Alley) There is a a grain of truth in every comment that is written here in our realm forum)) And I can see it now as a wise young girl
So, I am happy that we all together are creating here an atmosphere of complete acceptance and warmth))
Firstly, I understand like a wise woman that every man wants to fuck as many girls as he can by nature)
And I really appreciate Leo being brave enough to tell me the truth - who he wants to fuck and how))
Because I love to fuck a lot as well and I understand him
So, we will tell the truth to each other in order to find a way to satisfy all our sexual fantasies but within the comfort of each other, listening to the feelings of myself and Leo in his turn as well not to hurt each other
I don’t mind him to fuck other girls and soon we will start trusting me more to share me with other guys))
We are in a middle of this transformation right now, that is how I feel it, if to answer 100% frankly to your question))
You better talk about it if something happens there with you if you guys would throw in a little more sex action it would be more fun for everyone including Leo
Bella is it fair to say that Leo was ok for him to be with Amelie but not for you to be with Lucas, just trying to understand where the parameters are
Yes, my dear) you understand it right) With Amelie I got all the green light currently And I became confident enough and more relaxed to express my desires the next time I see her and to explain what I want from her))
I am really interested in diving myself in these feelings for Amelie now and to enjoy them
Thanks Bella but think people feel a bit of sympathy for you when Leo is able to express himself fully but not you at the moment? But as long as you are happy that id all that matters.
Do you know where julie Voyeur House TV explain to me what you are doing here
What you say doesn’t sound convincing to me. I can guess what you want to do now . your home is not monitored like it used to be. You want to regain viewers. Here everyone can freely express their opinion. We don’t always have to do good things to you. If you consider the comments here. You can have more viewers. THANK YOU…
Yes!))) it is really comfortable for me at the moment, it will be different every day and progressing)
Bella why don’t you answer my question
Just hope that is the day that Pixie visits and you and Tony can experience the same emotions after all a relationship is based on 50/50 trust and not 75/25 xx
I think I deserve a lot of viewers because I am cool, sexy, smart, well- educated and spoiled at the same time
And I know that you like me, because I like myself now and you are beginning “fall in love”( metaphorically speaking) with me, they same way I do now and show you my progress in getting to look more interesting, sexy, funny and sweet and slutty a bit to you
I kinda can see myself “from a side” now, that’s why I understand
Yes, true))
I love everyone, what time is showtime with Pixie as up for work, and if its too late ill phone in sick
thanks for the reply BELLA
I think there should be some activity in the house. For example, you can dance. There are various card games ( strip card ) you were doing before workout .
I have a lot of ideas!!!)))))
Yes, I will try some games and other ways of expressing myself) thank you for advice, I really will take it and try to be less shy