I thinking does Bee know that Ken keep looking at her tits
great pic with the lighting showing some definition on her torso
A camera from the refrigerator towards the window is missing. This is probably Bee’s favorite place. She often spends several hours here.
It might be enough to turn cam 1 a centimetre or two to the right. So that the cooker is still just in view. But you could see more from the side of her seat at the table.
A camera on the fridge is certainly a good idea, but it would mostly be at her back, I think.
hey bee it sucks hearing u cry life sucks sometimes, but it will get better just take it one step at a time all the best for u keep strong keep ur head up and smile
She was crying?
not sure that she was crying could be emotional or the sniffles
Bee hasn’t looked good for a few days. She probably caught a virus.
Hopefully Bee feels better