I must wander as well, to view Montana’s Freshly Waxed Pussy.
She’s showing it to us.
Every minute of it was stunning. Yikes !!
Another 1 of my favourites
Business is about to pick up
Getting her all horny for Bono
beautiful …
jabbath1987 Thanks for remind us that, “you’re not watching”.
You repeat it so much, it must be worth repeating.
In the next 2 weeks I will be Donating to all Crazy Team appts.
I hope Barbara latches onto Bono. Of all the crazy team men, Bono seems the Best natural progression. I don’t think Bono has ever been rejected by anyone.
But Barbara is a queen and Bono like guy can never match with her…. He is clumsy and immature…. Barbara need someone who can take care of her… and behave like a guy not some weirdo….
How about Archi then.
From what I saw in spite of website loading and access problems, it was a typical Bono performance - somewhat erotic but full of fake bondage and fake games - just like when he had his own place with Isabelle. Isabelle is the only woman I’ve ever seen him actually have sex with. Like Torey says, Bono is clumsy and immature and basically a clown. Considering how much she has been pleasuring herself with that vibrator the last couple of days, Barbara is in need of a real man and real sex, not playacting.
Bono loves Elizabat which is Elizabeth so he’s split from Isabelle but he’s not with Barbara or is Elizabeth one of their real names? I’m so confused now
Yeah, same here, i can not get it
Is that a heart or a broken heart ?