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With those glasses a new achievement is unlocked: sexy teacher look :slight_smile:


She is beautiful and her glasses add that touch, but it also helps she is not wearing any clothing…

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The dog gets the same food as the humans here?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :flushed: :dog:


@Barbara are Diu and you eating pet food? :cry:

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My dog gets the same food as us, they’re omnivores. In actual fact, pet food is way too high in protein and leads to all sorts of developmental problems. There are plenty of things you should never feed a dog such as kidney beans and onions/garlic, anything sweet, but a dog can survive very happily on whatever humans eat just as they have since they were first domesticated. It’s probably way cheaper to feed a dog human food than it is to buy highly processed food in cans or pouches.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :nerd_face:

Yes, they are omnivores and pet food is a mix of both meat and fruits/veggies

It depends, the good brands recommended by veterinarians make pet food with varying levels of protein. Having different formulas best suited for your pets, age, weight, extra.

Nope, well at least not where I live. Also, the better brands recommended by veterinarian are often not highly processed. It is true that the generic value brands are.

Wrote a long reply, just can’t be bothered with it. whatever. You win, yay fanfare and streamers. Fuck it.

I think it’s a vegetable soup, maybe some meat, but I am not sure.

That is a very nice and pleasant cute little butt Barbara has.

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Wow, I know pet nutrition is a sensitive subject, but I honestly didn’t think my response to your post would offend you. My response was also very close in length to yours. The difference being that my post was broken up into segments. Going forward if you would like I can reply to your comments in paragraph format.

I don’t think either of our views towards a dog’s diet is wrong. What I think is most important is to be educated and aware of what you are feeding your furry friend and why.

none of the cams load. Realm off line AGAIN? ISP issues AGAIN???

questa cam 5, è veramente inutile :-1:

sarebbe meglio metterla nell’angolo a dx del divano, imho

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In the farm of my grd parents, cats and dog ate veg/meat broth of human , with bread or potatoes…or all leftover meals!

Bobo is back!!! :partying_face:

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His name is Bono.

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