
Seriously u think Bono & Isabelle broke up…. I don’t think so….:sweat_smile:

Definitely copping a feel i don’t blame him either :rofl::rofl:

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hes getting more and more touchy feely now i must admit :rofl::rofl:

I don’t think Bono will be right person for her…. She need a real and mature guy…. I saw Bono in the past and his illusion and demonic games…:sweat_smile::rofl:

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i wonder if Diu and the other guest girl will get such a massage :rofl:

yes i remember

That’s why he and Isabelle kept leaving project cause they always played weird games….:sweat_smile: and nobody give a fuck….:rofl:

Hot guest girl is watching like is it my turn yet Bono :rofl::rofl:

I wonder when I can see guest girl……:wink:

Yes that’s what I think and you think not, nothing I say will change your mind and nothing you say will change mine.

its all about opinions nobody is right or wrong :pray::pray:

he’s definitely giving Barbara a good long rubbing down and adjustment :rofl::rofl:

Was thinking that, Isabelle must be a really trusting person to have her boyfriend (supposedly) touch another woman like he is. :grin:

he’s definitely not in a hurry is he :rofl:

Soften her up ready for the k__l :rofl: :rofl:

Indira & Kostja here all of a sudden or why so many posts ? :rofl: :rofl:

come on Jabbs dont spoil it

I think the other two should take the dog for a long walk :grin:

guest girl is still waiting her turn :rofl::rofl: