
Never judge a book by it’s cover as the saying goes

Can anyone say ‘relocation roulette’

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So for you the person who hit is in love with one of the two men but has sex with Barbara and that’s why he would have hit the two men???

I don’t think so, I say like Robbie the tattooed brunette hitting the two men right after seeing them having sex, it’s called homophobia

I have no idea what their relationships are, I don’t watch this realm often, but if it is a homophobic attack as you you guys suggest, then that thug needs to be banned from VHTV permanently.

We can clearly see the man with the tattoo going with Barbara to look at what is happening in the living room then going to change into the bedroom to return to the living room and hit the two men.

There’s no need to watch this realm often, it’s fake.
Just watch the scene to see it’s just a homophobic gesture.

Just as fake as most of the other realms on VHTV to be fair.

I watch this realm a lot. Homophobic attacks are definitely not ok. It’s also going to become very awkward between the d bag and Artem if he ever finds out about the fun Artem has been having with some of his male VHTV friends…

@Pas Seth please don’t take my words out of context

I never said the apartment was Fake, I said you don’t have to look at this realm often to see that he hit the two men right after he saw he had them one. sexual relationship between man

I be surprised if he didn’t already know about their sexual orientation, he has been hanging out with these guys for a while.

I was replying to what you said in context and you absolutely said the realm was fake. This is your direct quote before you changed it my guy. I don’t know why you are trying to deny it now…

The part about the attack being a homophobic attack was the second part of your sentence.

He was mainly hanging out with Barbara and the girls after that first night at Artem’s. I think tonight was the first time that he was there with the guys too? (and also saw them have oral sex)

Lying Simon Rex GIF by Simon Rex / Dirt Nasty

That’s the guy that came to Artem’s the other night and Artem & Jonah were s__t scared of, I see why now the guy is mental, obviously got a reputation for fighting.

Yup, that’s the moron

If violence is not tolerated at VHTV why is it still on the timeline and not deleted? :thinking:

If you can’t read or understand a sentence, it’s not my fault, (The comma (,) is a punctuation mark)

I used google translate to make it easier for you to read and understand.

You originally said it was fake. I read it too. Editing the comment doesn’t mean you didn’t say it. And NS was responding to your comment as you originally submitted it. Don’t try to make it seem like he’s making s__t up.


Bruh just stop, I can read and understand punctuation. You changed your sentence after I quoted you. No one likes a liar and I have no idea why you keep trying to lie about this shmd… Not a good look for you my friend… :lying_face:

No Way Smh GIF

Super weird he keeps trying to deny what he originally said. I don’t get it at all. Thanks for having my back. :fist_right: :fist_left:

Bit weird, anyway, let’s move on. :nerd_face:

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