glad to see you’re feeling a lot better today
Спасибо большое
So happy to see u feeling a lot better
Hello Diu, Diu, Diu, Diu . Same picture 4 times ???
i just thought you may not have noticed Sorry for upsetting you. Sorry for upsetting you, Sorry for upsetting you, Sorry for upsetting you.
I think ShyGuy summed it up.
Barbara’s naughty dog.
He was just cold and looking for his share of the blanket.
He should know by now when s___ping next to a girl your share of the blanket is nonexistent.
Привет, я тоже очень расстроена
From the emoji, I would say you’re upset;sad, instead of upset;angry. If it’s OK to ask, what upset you so? If it’s not too personal.
Меня расстраивает слабый интернет
I can certainly understand your frustration over that. This may help, but no promises.
16 Easy Ways to Speed Up Your Internet in 2022 (That Actually Work)
welcome back