What’s the scene is all about…? Realm is offlisted….
Do you think Roya watches for the plot?
I’m showing more than that Do you want to see?
God no
Barbara is looking the prettiest that I have ever seen her. I think that it is the slight addition to the eye makeup. It’s also nice to see Roya being a little bit more comfortable. Barbara has been perfect for her. No pressure and just being a good friend. Congratulations to them both.
Спасибо большое за хорошие слова😊
Мы передаем привет вам и благодарность
I can’t read the language, but I can interpret the smiley faces so I know that I agree with you exactly. Oops. After I answered, I realized that the note is from Barbara. Thank you for answering my note. I feel honored.
Click the globe icon at the bottom of the post. It will translate it for you.
I used Google and was able to see what it said, but your way is much, much easier.
I didn’t know about that. Thank you.
I just now tested it and it works perfectly. As you can tell, I am not much of a snooper. I am reluctant to click on icons without someone pointing out what they do. Just yesterday, I clicked on one in VHTV and it shut down every tab that I had open except for the original. Live and learn.
I think that was really Good for Barbara. She Shivered & Quivered a few times.
Success is good.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Moving posts to the Gossip aka the s__t-hole topic!
It winked at me!!