I sure wish Goth Girl - Moon Goon would flash us, or Moon us for 15 seconds. Curiosity is k__ling me. C’mon SweetCakes show us something. Proof of gender will do.
Maybe they should all leave the room, except Barbara & Guy so she can start wetting his Tool. He certainly deserves it and Barbara’s Bean must be floating by now.
Barbara, save 2 mens lives, Free Willy. I think my 02 alarm is going off.
Well, I guess Diu is the only one who wants to Toot on it. Let the Poor Man Ejaculate already.
Barbara is getting busy. Finally. Would’ve been better if it were the big cock fella
The viewing angle really is not good too…
Looks shocked as Hell to me.
It appears Queen Barbara has bedroom eyes for someone.
Barbara Feeds her people.
Goth-Girl is getting her Jello-Butt reshapened. Horribly disfigured & missshappened, worst case they ever saw.
Barbara’s top comes up a little. Those Puppies are just Barking to get out.
Jostle the Bosses clity a little, oh, yes we must…Oh, Honey…
My thoughts on this realm - I love looking at Barbara’s naked body, she’s beautiful, and I love watching her pleasure herself. But Bono is a distraction - anyone who’s been around here for a while knows Bono’s antics are mostly fake performances to get views. I doubt that anything will happen with him. And it seems more and more that Barbara is really getting her jollies from other women - whether that’s just a normal reaction to the breakup, I’m not sure.
I’m thinking Barbara & Diu might exchange Buttery-Nipples on each other at the same time. Nice warm-up.
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Barbara is so beautiful
This is becoming 1 of my to watch and follow
BTW Barbara reminds me so much of Montana