Bad formatted useless post removed
if David and operator you moment
Last warning to stop spamming the topic here. Nobody gets what you want at all. Stop spamming and write normally.
I don’t spam to discuss in forum my text messages are copied to send responsible vht takes screenshot spam not forum
The problem is nobody gets what you wants. What you write here makes no sense. If English is not your native language please write in your native language and we will use translator.
when nick was at poppy’s he calls nick on chaturbate he calls nick on voyeur housse tv it’s nick then why do you have fun changing their nickname in kingdom list
I have a question for VHTV
is a moderator
Group project
Let me try to figure that out.
- Some guy called Nick visited Poppy. He was on Chaturbate there.
- Now you think his name got changed?
- You want to ask a question to VHTV?
The other things I do not understand. As I said please write in your native language.
Oui, il appelle Nick, maintenant tu appelles Yasha, pourquoi ?
C’est ce que j’essaie de comprendre.
Could be someone added him under two names it happen before with Flora a guest where a guy i named was called someone else in another wiki apartment where he visited there also.
Now I understand. Most likely because he got that name before he got known as Nick. I do not follow any webcam sites and I am not sure if other operators do. We can’t keep track if guests give themselves a different name when doing webcam work. That is not possible. Thanks for understanding. I think the name Yasha is not bad.
Когда мы разговаривали, я зашел на страницу королевства, но там не было “нет”, после чего он появился, чтобы добавить к нику.
Теперь я понимаю. Скорее всего, потому что он получил это имя до того, как стал известен как Ник. Я не слежу за вебкам-сайтами и не уверен, следят ли за ними другие операторы. Мы не можем отследить, если гости дают себе другое имя, когда работают по вебкам. Это невозможно. Спасибо за понимание. Я думаю, что имя Яша неплохое.
ok good night
Yes but in that case there is no person called “Nick” in Wiki at all. Both active and archived places.
Да, в старом списке он тоже был там, в видео он называет Ника.
Ok i don’t know where the confusion occurred.
Nobody knows. Apparently now it is all good for him
Yasha has been called Yasha since he first appeared on the project last July. Topher is a recent arrival and was given the name this month.
It may well be that participants call themselves something different on Chaturbate and other cam sites. They often do it deliberately to keep their identities separate. For example Tristan chose the name Tristan himself to use on VHTV but chooses to webcam under the name of Zahar.
So if Topher wants to do webcams under the name of Nick, then I don’t see what the problem is.
Ник не звонит Тоферу на chaturbate
Я слежу за всеми vht-людьми на chaturbate
все время называл Яшу теперь Тофер
Вы должны знать, что Стэнли
Я могу дать тебе эту страницу, если хочешь, Стэнли Ник.
нет, форум не может