Any chance Malkus receive more than just a handjob from you? Or is Guido a problem? Would like to see you two intimate.
Вряд ли:+1:
Yes, I am aware of that, unfortunately. I think this would be a very hot scene.
Ah well, we can’t have everything
Не растраивайся, что бы ты ещё хотел видеть?
Just you being intimate with somebody else than Guido.
I understand he’s your boyfriend, but I’d still like to see your potential with another man. Your expression, acceptance of another partner.
I realise that this is not your habit, apart from the occasional handjob, which is what makes this scenario so appealing to me.
To be with another guy not just guido
I think there are some people who would settle for seeing Malkus fuck Guido instead.
A treesome is great. You Guido and Aderyn
If we are going for threesomes, then I wouldn’t complain at Guido, Malkus & Aderyn.
There that was a nice night just you 2 and when you to s___ping you were cuddling each other , you need more night like that I not saying every night but going back and look at it you always did this be for he can s___p on the couch sometimes hes got his phone
when aderyn have sex with astrid?
Yes he does!
He has been since Yan arrived, I think.
why not?
Indeed, but it would be some much more enjoyable if they were doing something other than :s___ping:
it was nice to see you eat with Astrid 2 times today , ho it was not it was Malkus following you in the kitchen both times. that true she eats by her self ,if you stop quit going in to the kitchen he would be up your ass, so why does not watch moves with you like he watch with Malkus in the kitchen all the time ,I guss you will be by you self when you wake up again so Guido did not s___p still on computer at 13;20 ,Astrid you should go to the store you have not been out of the house for 3 weeks not good for you
thay both had big bowl of food last night and lift you nothing you can not feed 3 people no more and you will be out of coffee soon the way Malkus _____s it