
There are more than one or two charming tenants. There will always be.

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her bags were packed and put in wardrobe when i checked in this morning ,hope im wrong

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I will miss Arina :confused:

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Bye Arina.Hope you a good and happy life ahead :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think you will find she’s not going anywhere, just yet. :slight_smile:

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I like your company in the past few months. I’m gonna miss it. I hope you can come back one day.

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She packed a bag & the laptop. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are leaving the project. Maybe she is going away for a couple of days, or maybe it’s the start of another relocation. Certainly no reason at the moment to assume they are leaving permanently.

If only that were good.

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No reason (bearing in mind this IS VHTV and a +7 apartment where ANYTHING can happen) to think it isn’t going to be. :slight_smile:

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It feels like the new couple is going to take over their apartment.

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Flint and Flame are just visiting friends. It IS possible however that they might want to become participants in the future so maybe they are just there as a trial run…and yes that may mean Pasha and Arina will leave them to the place, just so that they can try things out, by themselves.

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No but she hasn’t been herself the last week or so and she has been crying a lot. I would say the outlook doesn’t look so good for her staying around. I would of course like to be wrong.

They are old hands at this they come and go like Gypsies…

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Nothing to be sad about. A short break and hopefully they will be back and as good as ever. Fingers crossed.


Hopefully :smiling_face: :crossed_fingers: I don’t think they have ever left and come back have they? I think they have only moved realms.

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Some times the realm went off line and it as a while before the new one opened. But They have been in several.



Besides all the packing and Arina being upset all week Pasha has been gone all day. If they are not leaving the project, my guess is they are moving somewhere else soon.

Hopefully he hasn’t fucked up with the money thing again.

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I take a liberty in reproducing Stinky’s capture of them to make the observation that if she has left, which i hope not, she has left us something to remember her by. And the cats are still here!