Ariela & Sebastian (Part 1)


if the skin were red now you could think ariela is trying to disguise herself as a toadstool :wink:

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Care is everything…


Sebastiant plays with Ariela’s breasts …


sometimes i wish he would help instead of distract … but ok, it’s a different culture in which the roles of men and women are defined a little more traditionally than we do now

Is this a clue to what’s on the menu today :thinking: Spotted dick :joy:

Spotted dick for anyone that doesn’t know

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fits :wink: for me as a German it makes sense now…but I wouldn’t have thought of it myself. I know the name, but it doesn’t exist here

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For lovers of nude kitchen work


Du Du Deutscher bist, schreibe ich Dir mal auf Deutsch, da manches dann klarer ist.

Ich lebe seit über 15 Jahren mit einer Dame aus der Ukraine zusammen, glaube mir diese Kultur ist um einiges temperamentvoller in jeder Hinsicht.

Es gibt in der Regel nur schwarz & weiß. Der Keller von einem Hochhaus kann gesprengt werden, wenn es ihr danach ist.

Bezüglich Rollenverteilung stimme ich Dir zu, wer bezahlt, Tür aufhalten, Blumen; Kleidung … und Hausarbeiten ist es doch eher traditionell.

ja, das ist nicht zu übersehen
ich möchte aber auch noch mal ganz deutlich sagen dass das lediglich eine feststellung war, keine kritik. es steht mir/uns nicht zu, die maßstäbe unsere kultur auf andere zu projizieren.
genau diese unterschiede sind es, durch die sich verschiedene kulturen definieren… und die VH für mich spannend machen

:heart: :heart_eyes: :heart:


It is a very old ( traditional) sweet sponge & fruit pudding popular in the 50’s . Probably now more likely to be seen as a smutty named pudding used to make fun of a situation.


The world is not only bad, there is a :heart:/ :+1: next to the :-1:.

Looks like Ariela is letting the bush grow back​:+1::+1::+1::+1:

The name originated much earlier than the 50’s.
it has been suggest that "dick " derives from “pudding” which was also often called “puddink” and later “puddick”. The article also notes that in the 1840s "dick " referred to a slab of hard cheese. Later, treacle was added to create a "treacle dick " although don’t ask me why! Then sultanas, and here we are today with the much loved spotted dick

I know .it’s in vogue these days to try and ban anything which the minority seem to take offence to and many seem to take offence at anything.

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Well we can’t argue with you about that :wink: :joy: eh old timer :older_man:

Less of the fucking old you scottish old git :rofl:

Good to see them have time to relax and enjoy each other. Shows the love and patience a couple can have.

somehow the hairstyle looks funny


Just how lovely that looks with no ink in sight at all :heart_eyes:

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