Ariela (Part 2)

And what’s your point? A lot of text without any content or sense…


you just need to know how to read the lines but this is also a limit here… and you demonstrate it with this answer…


I read it but there is zero content in them


I didn’t want to be explicit but I’ll explain it better…this place is called Vh but in reality it has very little voyeurism and I’m sorry as in the case of Ariela’s kingdom to see that a unique place of spontaneity and voyeurism has also turned into something 'more and I won’t add anything else… I hope I was clear it was just a thought


Sure. Now you have the chance to watch a different place or go to a different site to watch :wink::innocent:

As you said nothing will change here so you are beating a dead horse


it’s normal that you don’t want to talk about it and this doesn’t surprise me at all because you are a person who is comfortable with this system but then you should be coherent and not call it a voyeur…


I find it highly amusing how someone who signs up for a subscription website that offers a oppotunity to view snippets from the said websites for free , but never takes up the oppotunity to subscribe ,then feel that they have the right to say whats right or wrong about said site , if you pay then you have grounds for complaint , but if your a freeloader ,suck it up and weep ,


making considerations and discussing does not necessarily mean complaining but unfortunately in this place you can’t go any further for obvious reasons… that’s okay…

Your imagination must not be very fertile. Have you nothing to say other than to suggest that we “watch another place or go…” ? For someone who criticises meaning and content, that’s a rather incongruous way of thinking.


Just popped in to “hear” news about Ariela. Sorry must have come to the wrong forum. Maybe something about Ariela tomorrow? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :roll_eyes:

So, if I understand you correctly, you think you have to pay for the right to express yourself, otherwise the only right you have is to shut up ?
Do you really think that money gives you all the rights? What kind of world do you live in?


yes by all means have a discussion as thats what forums are for , but to complain about it without really being part of it ,is like window shopping for a car , it just seems that this topic in particular (Ariela)as more freeloaders saying how she should act or d things there way , but when in essence she is doing exactly what she signed up for and thats to let viewers see what she does in her appartment 24/7 , there are no rules that she must do this or that this way or that way ,


Nope I don’t have any other thing to say. Because I won’t criticize Ariela or tell her what to do. It’s her life and she’s responsible for it and not obliged to tell any of the crybabies here why she does things the way she does.


no you missunderstood me . buying a subscription doesnt give you the right but it goess along way in when complaining about a service you pay for doesnt deliver , but alas you have only ever been a pessimist when it comes to the service VHTV suplies where as if you took a more optimistical view then any considerations you put forward would and could hold sway with out hindering your lack of subscription ,

The word Hypocrite comes to mind… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

thats a word that umbrellas 100% of the members on here . FACT


You’re probably right. It is just funny when it comes from the ones who (supposedly) shouldn’t be so biased in here but again…this is how this forum works…


YOU are looking at it all the wrong way m8 , every member of this forum are equall and and can say and do what they want , if they are not on the payroll then they are equal to us all ,try not looking at seniority or those that have badges as being different , its as simple as we all make statements some are agreed with some are not ,but thats just part of the forums corriculum , the only time when a member can complain about a service is if they pay for it , thats why this forum as become as corrupted as it as , theres no real structure (policing the policies of )within this forum , we only have kaya to keep things in hand and she can only act when something is flagged