Ariela (Part 2)

Método de Ariela:


Learn to put attachements

What are you talking about because I don’t understand you? :grinning:

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Vad väntar vi på detta är inte första gången kom igen nu hela VHTV väntar på detta 3
What are we waiting on this is not the first time 3-4 if we heard and counted correctly Ariela are the writer and director and star actor, he is just a stand in, come on all at VHTV are vaiting

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Fuck me running, that’s one pile of cloths! :dizzy_face:

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She has been teasing this guy for days now


not from me…
how I feel about Ariela is well known, but justified criticism is justified criticism… I have tried several times to make her feel guilty about this. Unfortunately, so far, without success, as everybody can see


tenor (5)


It’s like Fibber McGee’s closet. Google it. :grinning: :grinning:

Community Coco is here tonight than we need to watch are tounge…

He follows here at every step where she goes, he goes that must be very annoying, even if you should be in love apartment is not that big, but this feels very strained, he doesn’t understand the hint that she doesn’t want to be kissed on the mouth, maybe I can see pictures tomorrow if he score in this apartment, only she knows what the script says :roll_eyes:, no, now we swith to another realm, as you here says when something feels wrong
poor Ariela I feel sad for her.
maybe they leave for other apartment tonight or maybe she got work and must go quickly to serve.

I cannot say anything about this because I am also like her…

Do you also invite a lot of men over and then walk around the apartment naked? :clown_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

all jokes aside: the planet ‘order’ isn’t exactly my home either. but I think it’s good to see that I wouldn’t take any of the top ranks

on the first part, no (i.e. I invite women but I don’t walk around naked in the house) :joy: :joy:… for the clothes thrown in the wardrobe, unfortunately I too am not as exaggerated as her… but you can find some clothes in disorder in my closet…

(if I had women walking around naked in my house I wouldn’t be here)… :wink: :joy: :joy:


She must work tonight as I said, I heard it before when one of boss called here she was not happy, therefor he was with her in bathroom because she was sad. i think he i mean Aziz! give him a name you that run this forum!!, working also for this company I am not 100% shure of that, so I plead the 5th on that one, I know that she don´t want to work there so much lately but everything is in contract you cant just get out easy,
And this takes on your soul and mind and body.

I feel more sorry for litte Ariela but she digs the hole by hereself she is a grown woman that people her points out very often but those who say a coment like that dosen´t understand the problem,
I hope she can quit this shit job in the end it gonna break you to pieces, soon we gonna see more crying, but she is strong she gonna handle it witout this guy Aziz her chauffor have been for a while now 6.7 days for god sake. They met for 7 days ago the day after he go away, Andrey The Player allready she seam to have a new boy thats sleeps with her and to play with.

This is not a suprise for him Aziz, he need to go home and sleep.or wait till the morning .

This also has to do with the (Silver fox) i call him that if you know who that is, hes not here at the moment real scumbag if you ask me.
if I can say so he tryed to have sex with Ariela but he failed and she say no.

I thought maybe this was written forher script and she fools everybodu to get out of the apartment to have sex, but you know she maybe get it anyway.

This other friend staying at her place a cauple of days now today he and Ariela had15 min together and the played and wrestling a bit and she was smiling so much she had a real good time and there I saw the real Ariela as I have seen her when she is real happy that was reallly nice too see, just what i saw I have not seen that big and loud smile for a while I have seen her smile but it has been strained lately. maybe that have with the job to do. I mean she has a job at VHTV also you need to be in your apartment and put up a show or atleast be there invate friends that have been around for years and old used boyfriends is not whay the most of the audience wanna see new girls and new boys she need to rethink her strategy Goodnight!

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Als dat haar manier van leven is ???
1 ding weet ik zeker aan dit tempo dat ze leeft , houd ze niet lang meer vol .
Eerst of laatst zal ze breken , en dat kan grote gevolgen hebben .
Geloof mij en ik weet waarover ik praat .
Ik raad Ariela aan om even tijd te maken , en bepaalde keuzes on hold te zetten .

100% d’accord. Ont perd sa santé à gagner de l’argent et plus tard ont perd son argent à se refaire une santé


It’s clear that you and a few others are incapable of analyzing a text and don’t understand what Hudson220373 has written, too locked up in your adoration of Ariela, wanting at all costs to perpetuate a situation that is nonetheless constantly evolving. Look, only 9 of you agree with this statement. Where are your 99% ? What’s more, calling people “morons” is an insult that shows your lack of respect for others.
It’s time to open your eyes and analyze the facts unfolding before your eyes.


What does that mean ?