Archive request

hello, a request for the solo masturbation the last night in bedroom of Amelie please

Some new requests:

  • guest sex in living room at Cleoā€™s place, starting at 6:50, 8/28

  • Angelo naked in living room at 12:04, 8/28


Also, itā€™s probably already saved but just in case:

  • Artem and new girl bath together at 7:25, 8/28 at Ayako and Bangoā€™s

Yes already saved. Iā€™ve named the girl Siora.

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thatā€™s done :wink:

I donā€™t understand this need to make requests for sex captures. Arenā€™t the moments operators expected to just capture all of the sex that happens on VHTV? Surely there are enough of these worker :honeybee:ā€™s now that all of it can just be captured without the need for asking. I could understand someone making a request for something ordinary or perhaps not sex related.

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Another thing Iā€™d like to know is how the work is divided up among the worker :honeybee:ā€™s? Are there work schedules or apartment assignments? How do they prevent the same scenes from being captured by another operator?

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I know the action in Milana and Robiens place is in the archive, but only cam 6 and 8. Why not camera 7. That cam had the best angle, even if the sound is not in sync.

Because the quality is awful and it ruins the view. I usually do not save s__tty cams or bad cam quality. Nobody will really watch that when there are better angles. It is on VHTV stopping using those cams.

two videos donā€™t load properly
stops in the middle
doesnā€™t load

should i report the problem to support ?

Thanks, Iā€™ll check

I can confirm the second one is not loading. First one I can watch to the end.

It should be working fine now. As links youā€™ve sent are not relevant anymore, please find videos here

Wow that was fast. Thanks a lot :smiley: :+1:

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Iā€™ve saved the threesome action from cam 7 as youā€™ve requested it, but for future this camera angle is unlikely to be saved unless there is a specific request for it.

Thank you very much!

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Angelo was masturbating today morning at around 1.20, there is a screencap of it in the apartments thread. Can it be saved please?

41 posts were split to a new topic: Pro and contra of downloading archives videos

Thank you kindly!

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I couldnā€™t find 10th of July so ow, this is two days later, maybe they were still at it :rofl: