Archi, Cleo

This guy was as___p on Archi & Kata’s couch, He is absolutely i________ed. He tries to get up, knocks his head on the glass table, struggles to get to his feet, and instead of going to the loo, goes over to the living room window and takes a piss out the window!

He’s now on the opposite

couch! :smiley: :laughing:

That is Archi. He had a big party at Anita’s and was/is _____ as a skunk. :rofl: :rofl:

I cant beleave he pissed out of the window, I see it but dont beleave. damn

Actually he was very _____ before he got to Anita. He was in his toilet for quite a while and then had a nap before going to Anita.

There were sirens blaring down below, I thought someone was coming for him! :laughing:

Who is he?, that’s not Archi. He was _____ing with Archi in the Kitchen, then Archi went out.

Fuck your right. dont know how he is. They going to be pisses if they smell the livingroom. :thinking:

Is pissing out of the window in that area a common thing, here it is kinda frowned on, in fact I think it is not legal :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Saw it in a different place some years ago. Two guys standing on the sill and pissing on the street from the loggia :rofl::rofl:

I would really be pissed off if I was walking and got hit with a stream of piss.

I used to be at a party where three people barfed form the balcony. Not me of course :joy::innocent:

And in that case you won’t be pissed off but pissed ON :joy::joy::joy::rofl:

We believe you but millions would not. :rofl:

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Why not both? :innocent:

Archi staggering into the bedroom, struggling to stand up, goes for the bed then falls on the ground before reaching for the light switch and making it to the bed. I don’t know what those guys were _____ing, because they weren’t _____ing for long.

Hope you did not mind I made an album out of it. It is totally made for that :rofl:

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All good. I viewed the footage just before he went into the room, he came out of the toilet, so I am assuming he never went out at all but was in the loo the whole time!

How do you create an album, so I know for next time?

Actually he went to visit Anni once he had had a nap.