Anjelica Doux & Fass Studio


Maybe “Fass” is the dog’s name and when you call him, he grabs (bites)… :rofl:

ISP issues…!!

Wow she is not attractive at all…

After that realm went offline….:thinking::sweat_smile:

Angelica is :heart: and those tatts are :fire:

I think she is lovely, but those big tattoos are a bit too much for me…

We still do not know who is Fass Studio… :see_no_evil:

they have guest :dog2: :dog: :joy:

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Isn’t ?? So why to have a dedicated tag?? :rofl:

It’s VH so i won’t saying anything for sure, but it’s kind of obvious that studio is used in the same way like “Naked House” or “Starlight House

Yeah. Okay. So she will be only participant. ?

you took jabba’s job :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

I don’t follow telegram so have no idea if they have put a photo, but considering that when the place opened there was two persons in the realm, and knowing who is anjelica doux by google i would say that Fass is the guy name

Yeah that is possible. I will ask support however…

Couldn’t agree more

:fire: :fire: :boom: :boom: :star_struck: :star_struck:

Sesame Street Workout GIF by Muppet Wiki


Update from support. They do not know too who or what “Fass Studio” is and try to find out :joy:

ISP issues… again…:thinking::sweat_smile: