Well that didn’t take Pinky to long to get those panties off.
muff diving!
Well more violence by a man too a woman this seems to happen far too often for my liking
Clarify that it should never happen
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters
i dont understand that languaje but just is a child cryng. dont know why but ñiñiñi ñiñiñi ninini ninini. im not looking more this cam. dont like this kids
sorry can’t find it…
Realm has been removed
Im guessing due to what you noted.
A post was merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters
Last I looked there were three girls getting ready to have some fun, and now this? I liked this realm and just yesterday I had added it to my favorites.
What happened? With the realm removed completely from the main site we can’t check the timeline, probably for a good reason. Aparently there was some violence. Can some eye witness give a brief, non-exploitative report of the events?
Is everybody (more or less) OK? Did Tommy go off the rails or was it some guest guy? Can we get some official information on whether this is a permanent ban or if the situation is still being sorted out?
The realm has been temporarily hidden as we investigate a possible rules violation. Please be patient as we work to sort everything out. We do never know in advance if place will be back or would like to leave / managers / we decide to say bye to them
The actions from Tommy last night are not to excuse. He totally lost control, isulted her in the worst ways possible and got violent towards her multiple times.
Thankfully Pinky was there and what she did should be an example for everybody how to behave in such situations. She selflessly stepped in and told this guy what she thinks about his actions in very clear words. She literally “smashed” him with words and he did not stand any chance against her.
It showed that sexy and naughty girls can also be very smart and and caring for others. Later she took care of Andreza, consoled her and made sure that guy is not coming close to her anymore. She took her home with her and she is safe now
Personally I do not want to imagine what would have happened without Pinky being there. I do not think that Tommy will be back but Andreza will stay in the project.
So the last night showed a very bad example of behavior but at the same time also a very impressive action and we all can be proud of our Pinky.
Well done
I hope @kaya will allow these images to stay as they do not show the act of violence but show how a woman beater and abuser gets told off and shown his place and I think this is worth for everybody to see
The result:
She beat him just with logic and words. He messed with the wrong girl
I saw it live Pinky was superb was very glad she was there