Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

please let us know :frowning: hope all is well

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@Amelie_Lucas amelie was rightly going to her parents since lucas was always out fighting for the freedom of a people unjustly attacked by s__t …(come on ukraine we are with you)… :heart: :heart: :heart: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

I have said it before but I always found it very moving watching Lucas getting ready to go out each morning, knowing (or at least having a good idea of) what he was going out to do. :ukraine:


I agree with you see your man comrade brother whoever it is go out to go fight a war that a s__t made to leave and you don’t know s he’s coming home… :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

est-ce que l’on reverra amélie et lucas un jour ?

j’ ai un doute c’est longue vacances …

Does anyone know how both are doing.
No news is good news?

non pas de npuvelle a ce , jour dommage KAMILOLU …

Estan bien. He hablado

Fantástico, gracias por la actualización de información. Estaba preocupado por su condición.

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des nouveau apart mais tjr pas AMELIE ces long

news? just news? for 0 messages?? even a moderator from here will know if all goes well…

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Thanks for the information. Glad all is ok right now

Amelie told me that they will be online again tomorrow


That’s great news thanks for the update :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just to clarify if I may…

You said “they” so do you know if that means we will be seeing Lucas again straight away or is he still absent, bravely serving his country the way we know he has had to do recently?


As far as i know they are togehter now, but he will have to go back …


I don’t want to push the issue but hopefully they will have guests over but If not Amelie will be enough for me :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thank you for telling me. It will be nice to see them together again, all things considered.


very good news