Amelie & Lucas (Part 1)

B___dy Cameras !!! Lol

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What a lovely smile on her face.


They really are a great couple I hope they have an apartment soon But my question is, are they brothers?? :thinking::thinking:

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I hope to see something like this again:

It was painfully hot for me. Sweet sweet memories.


I don’t think they are siblings.


I hope Castro returns soon. It was great watching the 3 of them together.:smiling_imp::fire::fire::fire:

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fidel castro GIF

Amelie&Lucas’ relationship with Adam and Olivia is currently unclear… For now, I don’t see any intimacy between them, I continue to watch.

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Look this position very hot :fire:

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You are thinking from one perspective of intimacy, but it’s quite simple to gauge their relationship and that is they are simply friends.

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And you will not see…

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Lucas and Amelie are a beautiful couple. A joy to watch and absorb the love energy they have.
The people they bring to the flat fit their lives. But if nothing exciting, in terms of new sex, will happen, then viewers will start losing interest.
I see the flat’s life shortening.

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The war must have slowed down Amelia and Lucas’s “exploration” considerably. I assume their concerns are elsewhere at the moment. It seems to me that any “meeting” at the moment by f___e would leave a bitter aftertaste. As far as I know them, they like to develop their meetings over time, not in the manner of quick flicks. With a job like Lucas has, if you can even call it a job, that kind of getting to know each other is probably quite difficult, if not impossible.

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Perfect timing with that screen shot mate, just look at Mads Mikkelsons’ face, absolute class.


I have lost count of how many times I have requested that @VHTV_James move that watermark to where the time is, and also how many times other members have commented on it and have also requested it be moved. PLEASE for the love of God @VHTV_James @VHTV_Editorial can one of you pay attention to what a paying member requests and act to move the watermark. And whilst I am at it why is it taking so long to add the timeline to the full screen view???